Wright State University Degree Frames for College of Education and Human Services

Wright State Frames for College of Education and Human Services Degrees

If you're a Wright State University grad, you know just how competitive your Wright State degree program was and how hard you worked to achieve academic success. Now that all of that hard work has paid off, it's time to celebrate your success in the professional world. Given our premium wood mouldings, archival-quality mats and mounting materials, and superior glass options, you can trust that our College of Education and Human Services custom frames will safeguard your credentials for years to come. Why can we guarantee it? Our products are handcrafted in accordance with the Library of Congress' stringent guidelines for document preservation. Shop our Wright State University official store with confidence!
Handcrafted in the USA, we're proud that our frames are built with solid hardwood mouldings or 100% recycled wood mouldings. All of the vendors that we source raw materials from are dedicated to American reforestation practices and policies. That's why you can trust that our Wright State custom frames are designed and manufactured at an eco-conscious company. We carry an amazing array of diploma displays, including our #1 College of Education and Human Services degree frame, which is a customer fave. We know you'll love your Wright State diploma frame. In fact, we guarantee your 100% happiness with the finished product!