Sachse High School Diploma Frames

Frequently Asked Questions by Sachse High School Alumni

Yes, our hand-crafted diploma frames are proudly built in the United States by our team of skilled professionals. Each Sachse High School frame made in our Monroe, Connecticut is held to our high standard of excellence before being shipped safely to your door!
Our standard shipping method is UPS Ground. Each frame is shipped in an environmentally friendly SMARTbox package that keeps your diploma frame for Sachse High School secure and safe from any transport-related damage. If for any reason damage to the product should occur during shipping, we will promptly replace the product.
Providing your graduation year helps us keep our extensive database of diploma sizes 100% accurate! Schools like Sachse High School may change their diploma size over time, so providing the year ensures we send every alum the correct Sachse High School frame.
Of course! Your graduate or Sachse High School alumni deserves to feel loved and congratulated for their huge accomplishment. As you checkout from our online store, there will be an option displayed for you to include a personal message of your choice.
It's important for graduates of Sachse High School to be able to show their school pride! That's why our custom frames are officially licensed and feature the signature Sachse High School school colors. We highly recommend purchasing a frame from our online store that showcases their school spirit as well as their milestone achievement!