A-H-S-T High School Diploma Frames

Frequently Asked Questions by A-H-S-T High School Alumni

If you don't know the size of your A-H-S-T High School graduation degree, don't worry! All you need to know is your graduation year and degree program, and we can do the rest. Church Hill Classics works closely with more than 1k colleges and universities to keep an accurate database of diploma sizes for every graduation year. This way, you can have the peace of mind that your custom diploma frame for A-H-S-T High School will be the perfect fit.
Of course! Your graduate or A-H-S-T High School alumni deserves to feel loved and congratulated for their huge accomplishment. As you checkout from our online store, there will be an option displayed for you to include a personal message of your choice.
It's important for graduates of A-H-S-T High School to be able to show their school pride! That's why our custom frames are officially licensed and feature the signature A-H-S-T High School school colors. We highly recommend purchasing a frame from our online store that showcases their school spirit as well as their milestone achievement!
No other company in the diploma frame industry offers as many custom options as Church Hill Classics. Our online framing tools for A-H-S-T High School let you visualize every possible mat color, moulding style, and medallion, insignia, and embossing options.
Your regalia from A-H-S-T High School graduation symbolizes all of your hard work during your time at A-H-S-T High School. Whether you decorated your graduation cap or donned an honor stole or medallion as you walked across the commencement stage, you should preserve your regalia in one of our unique shadow box frames!